by Oscar Baker | Aug 22, 2018
Mike Kennedy sits on a green crate and pillow, an empty Styrofoam cup in hand, begging for change. The 60-year-old’s hands are gnarled from years living on the street. His white beard hangs just under his jawline and is clean shaven up to his face. Kennedy’s...
by Nathalie Landry | Apr 29, 2014
At Queen Elizabeth School in Moncton, there is a flurry of activity. It’s 4pm and children are assembling in classrooms, the cafeteria and any available space along with their music teachers. A large group of 6 to 7 year olds hum along to the melody on their music...
by Lisa Hrabluk | Jan 30, 2014
Hey music lovers – I need your help. I’m making a playlist about chasing opportunity on the East Coast. I got the idea listening to Tom Power, host of CBC Radio 2 Morning, and his Jan. 28th intro to Matt Andersen’s new single ‘Alberta Gold’. In...
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