by Nathalie Landry | Feb 25, 2014
Jacques Cool est un grand adepte de l’intégration des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) en éducation au Nouveau-Brunswick. Œuvrant au sein du ministère de l’Éducation et du Développement de la petite enfance, il se passionne pour...
by Lisa Hrabluk | Feb 24, 2014
Hey world! Check out what our friends David Alston, Greg Hemmings and René Boudreau have gone and done now. The new website went live this morning and it’s filled with great information about why coding is cool and how just about anyone can learn....
by Lisa Hrabluk | Feb 21, 2014
Happy Canadian Computing Education Day! Okay so it might not have a cool name like the May 2-4 weekend, but today is something special. It’s part of a growing movement to shine a big honkin’ spotlight on technology skills and why every student in Canada...
by Cherise Letson | Feb 18, 2014
These rings were designed in a 3D printer by a Chilean designer, an example of what happens when technology and art meet. (Photo/Cherise Letson) Want a strong tech sector? Get aggressive on arts education. That’s the message ArtsNB director Akoulina...
by Cherise Letson | Feb 10, 2014
Professional speaker, comedian and radio host Corey Poirier knew he wanted to make a difference in the world. The way to do it, he thought, was to study some people already making a difference. Through his interviews with these high achievers, he noticed certain...
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