by Nathalie Landry | Mar 14, 2014
À la Polyvalente Louis-J.-Robichaud de Shédiac, des élèves du cours de cuisine professionnelle produisent des capsules vidéos basées sur le curriculum de leurs cours qui seront ensuite partagées avec toutes les écoles de la province via YouTube. À la...
by Cherise Letson | Mar 13, 2014
Entrepreneurship. That word scares the shit out of me. Well, at least it did. Growing up in a lower-middle class family in Saint John, N.B., I was conditioned to believe that in life, you would always have to serve somebody. If you’re lucky, you could do what you...
by Nathalie Landry | Mar 7, 2014
L’avenir des sciences, de l’ingénierie et des technologies est en péril au Nouveau-Brunswick. Bien que le Canada ait besoin d’un million de nouveaux travailleurs qualifiés d’ici 2020, la plupart des étudiants quittent les cours...
by Nathalie Landry | Mar 7, 2014
New Brunswick’s science, engineering and technology sectors may be in peril. While Canada needs an additional 1 million skilled workers by 2020, most students are dropping out of math and science courses as soon as they become optional in Grades 11 and 12, a...
by Lisa Hrabluk | Mar 3, 2014
Trevor MacAusland, the Executive Director of Propel ICT, shared this post on the tenth birthday of Propel ICT. It’s a great summary of how the private sector can work collaboratively with universities, colleges and government to foster increased entrepreneurial...
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